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Divorce and property

INTRODUCTION When does a spouse who is entitled to receive a half share in immovable property become the owner of that half share? Does the real right in respect of half share in immovable property vest immediately upon granting of a divorce decree or does a spouse acquire personal right to claim formal transfer in […]

Deducting bond interest when using an access bond facility

You can use a loan re-advance against your house to purchase a rental property, and get the interest allowed as a tax deduction – it just needs to be structured properly One of the questions most frequently asked is whether interest on a bond raised to purchase a rental property is deductible against the rent […]

Buying or selling a home? Know the process

The transfer process is synonymous with building a house. The foundation must be laid and certain parts are built simultaneously in order for the process to be completed as one cannot be done without the other. There are many parties involved in a transfer process and each one has an important role to play. The […]

The ins and outs of buying a home

The transfer process is synonymous with building a house. The foundation must be laid and certain parts are built simultaneously in order for the process to be completed as one cannot be done without the other. There are many parties involved in a transfer process and each one has an important role to play. The […]

The ins and outs of home insurance

Home insurance is there to protect one of the most important assets you own. When done properly, it will allow you to insure both the structure of your home and the life that is lived within its four walls. Home insurance can be divided into three sections: Building Insurance, Home Contents Insurance, and Personal Valuables Insurance. The […]

Moving to a smaller home may be the answer

Property ownership in today’s economy is no small feat. But even when you’ve worked most of your adult life towards buying the family home of your dreams, the possibility of downsizing should never be discounted. Whether you’re looking at lowering the costs of homeownership, or reassessing your property needs once your children have moved out, there are a number of clear indications that it’s time for you to move on to something […]

Water-wise home improvements

Having a Wikipedia page dedicated to a years-long national drought is not something any country wishes for. Yet, that is exactly what South Africa has achieved. South Africa has always been a country prone to droughts and has become rather resilient against the threatening heat, but when the rainfall lost its regular pattern across most of the country and almost entirely disappeared in some […]

The truth regarding Asbestos Abatement regulations

Recently an article appeared on the digital publication bizcommunity.com that details changes in the Asbestos Abatement regulations. The article has caused something of an uproar between estate agents as it mentions how “asbestos is now outlawed and building owners have only 14 months to plan removals, including homes” (at the time of writing). However, this […]

The impact of the pandemic on the rental market

As the property market continues to piece itself back together amid the ongoing pandemic, the rental market continues to feel the impact of the times more than any other sector in the real estate industry. While property sales have slowly picked up, and first-time homeowners are enjoying the advantages of a buyer’s market, empty rental properties continue to fill the market. With one […]

Buying or renting: Has the question finally been answered?

The question of whether renting or buying is the best is almost always in circulation in the real estate industry. While one is affordable in the short term, the other holds more benefits in the long run. In 2020, however, things took a turn, and the answer to the question may be a bit clearer than usual. Historically low […]

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